Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Things I've 'discovered' so far this summer:
* I'm glad I'm not an electrical engineering major
* I'm glad I don't attend UMD
* I'm SUPER glad I go to VT
* Its fun to be a city girl for a while... but I do miss southern virginia... (what am I going to do when I graduate college and have to find a job??? there's just not much market for aerospace engineers in Southern VA)
* I have some really great guys in my life
* Not all female engineers are like those in SWE at VT that made me hate SWE...
* Sometimes, the best times can be had just sitting around somewhere talking... even when the DC bums criticize your friends for stuttering... ;)
A New Read
I just started reading Life of Pi by Yann Martel Sunday evening. I've not gotten very far, but it seems to be a good book. According to the back cover, "Pi Patel, a God-loving boy and the son of a zookeeper, has a fervent love of stories and practices not only his native Hinduism, but also Christianity and Islam. When Pi is sixteen, his family and their zoo animals emigrate from India to North America aboard a Japanese cargo ship. Alas, the ship sinks--and Pi finds himself in a lifeboat, his only companions a hyena, an orangutan, a wounded zebra, and a 450-pound Bengal tiger. Soon the tiger has dispatched all but Pi. Can Pi and the tiger find their way to land? Can Pi's fear, knowledge, and cunning keep him alive until they do?"

I've gotten through 50 pages... I just read something that amused me... "He treated me like a grown-up; and he told me a story. Or rather, since Christians are so fond of capital letters, a Story."

I also found a rather provacative statement: "The presence of God is the finest of rewards"