Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Its time for UPDATES once again.
Well Summer session one has been done for over a week and a half now! I ended up faring pretty well grade-wise and now second summer session is going pretty well. I have a lot more free time and have been using that to do stuff like go to the gym, work on my scrapbook, read a book (not a textbook), etc. Anyway, I thought I'd go through my list of things to work on since I haven't in a while and see where I stand.

1. Watch what you say -- I don't seem to be having trouble with this one. I think being back in VA has helped with that a lot and I think that the people I'm around this summer also helps.

2. Be Careful How you Portray yourself -- I'm doing about average in this category. My goal was to not contribute to conversations about drinking/sex/drugs/etc and I have been doing pretty well... there have been a few time where I'll join in on conversations about alcohol. But these have been limited. Day 154 of 400

3. Don't Complain -- Again about average.... A few things yesterday happened around campus that annoyed me and I slipped some but overall there hasn't been much to complain about.

4. Take Care of Your Body -- I'm doing a LOT better in this area this summer session. During the first session I didn't have much time to go to the gym and work out, especially during the hours they're open. but This session I've gone to the gym every other day. I think I've also been eating a more rounded diet this summer as well.... although I'm working with limited options with summer owens food.

5. Be a role model -- again I continue as normal doing fine in this area I believe.

6. Careful in Relationships -- I need to be more attentive in this area. I mean since I've been gone from Cincy there's not very many opportunities for me to falter here... but I need to make sure in the future I don't go too far.

7. Blog more often -- I think i've had a higher frequency in the past month.

8. avoid mental complacency -- haven't made a lot of progress but I have been watching the news more often in Owens and reading the news occasionally as well.

gotta run to class now.