Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Let's Get it On Event on Campus

Being at a large public university allows for many opportunities... including a certain program I was informed of through an email from my RA today:

There's going to be a great program on Tuesday, October 15th, at 8:00 in the third floor Prichard cross-over lounge. The program is called "Lets Get it On." We will be giving out free condoms and there will be free food, too. We're also gonna play some fun sex games and provide lots of useful information. It should be a blast, so please come out if you can. Also, Im getting graded for this program based partly on attendance, so I would really appreciate if if some of you could come out and support it. I guarantee you will have a good time. You will also be getting a phone mail message about the program.

Now, the first time I saw the signs for the "Let's Get it On" program in my dorm... I couldn't make out what the lettering was supposed to be... (I admit, I wasn't' wearing my glasses at the time...) I acutally thought they were screwdrivers and other random tools, but the next time I looked and these letters that I had once seen as tools were actually "wearing" (if you will) condoms. Well, I suppose if you're going to have sex using condoms is a good idea, but that's not exactly how it should be.

Sex within marriage is a beautiful and acceptable thing... I'm not condoning that at all... As I said before, I am a Conservative Christian and this should probably imply to you that, as most Conservative Christians are, I am opposed to premarital sex. But Why??

God tells us NOT to commit adultry (adultry = voluntary sexual intercourse with someone other than the spouse... this includes pre-marital sex because the sex partner is not the spouse, obviously). You shall not commit adultery. ~ Exodus 20:14.... pretty blunt, eh?? As Christians, whatever God says carries much more weight in our lives (or at least should if we are on a good walk with God) that our wants and desires... As Christians are called to spread the word of God to others, thus we oppose premarital sex. And in America, we have the right to publicly oppose these matters just as anyone has the right to oppose bills or taxes being made... that's what Freedom is!

Even beyond my religious beliefs on the subject, I have basic moral values that also go against premarital sex. For one, it is hurtful to society as a whole, causing the spread of diseases such as AIDS. It hurts the bond of marriage.... you've had sex with people other than your husband/wife when you get married and so it is no longer the ultimate intimate act demonstrating the love you have for your significant other. This also weakens the way people view marriage... because sex is not something shared between a husband and a wife, there is no longer that strong bond holding them together.... people don't take it as seriously anymore...

This brings me back to the condoms thing. By not giving out condoms, sex outside of marriage should reduce (hopefully) because of fear people have of sdiesease and pregnancy But even if there were a 100% safe method of birth control and protection against disease, conservatives, myself included, would oppose it. We would have no veneral diseases if everyone just stopped having sexual relations. No illigitimate children. No single-parent households, or at least at a minimal number...

This is why I was disturbed by this email... No I will not be seen near this... I do not think that people should just get people to come to these things by handing out condoms and ice cream... Rather, having a meeting to talk about why premarital sex should be unacceptable to them and serving ice cream... that's good enough.. you have your item of interest for the college student (ice cream = nourishment) and you're discussing a crucial topic... that's the way to do it.. but as I've said, I am opposed to condoms and think its rather disturbing that they would just give out these condoms.

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